Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Back in the grind....

When one returns to a way of life that was so great two years ago, it's a risk that it might not be as cool upon going back. It's like when you have a favorite childhood candy and it wasn't sold for a long time and when it comes back on the market, it just isn't as good. I am speaking of my fall back into the turbulant waters which are the BYU campus and Utah Valley life. I have been on a pretty sweet vacation for the last month and a half but twould appear that my free ride is at an end. I also have a funny situation with the vehicle.


That being said, it has died on me about 15 times in the last few outings and somebody ramdomly decided to break out the passenger window. Why? no idea, my theory is that people in SLC are unstable and more than a little retarded doesn't seem to cover it. Who knows, but at least my snowboard wasn't stolden, (it happened at night). Anywho, I have been hitting the gym a lot for those of you who care and my classes seem good times. I will update more often but here you are for now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The gym? I never thought I'd see the day. Does this mean you're going to do the marathon this year? Are you doing the abs challenge too? Congrats dude, it is a good path you have embarked on.

P.S. If you cut soda pop out of your diet, you'll lose weight.