Tuesday, May 22, 2012


In keeping with this bloggers desire to bring you truly "good" music with really BAD music videos. This posts feature was recommended by my dear friend, Gluchifer. *Pronounced- Glue- si- fur* This is Holy DIver, by Dio. And yes, it rocks. A few comments, first of all, the 1 minute 20 seconds of wind blowing shaky zoom intro, classic. Then, I have to say, nice sword. At one point I found myself thinking ... rats? But hey, it is good times otherwise.

Time is precious... wish I had some.

Well WE (and that is the Royal WE) are back. Malu and I roaming the mean streets of Provorem once more. There has been a lot of excitement in the last few weeks, so let me catch you up. First order of business, I HATE UNITED AIRLINES. Without belaboring the point too much, we basically got bumped from a flight, then made to wait an hours, then we were delayed from the second flight, (both of which were for mechanical checks that took too long BTW) and then we had to wait another four hours. Turning a 4 hour layover into a 9 hour layover. But me made it back to Utah in good order, and, miracle of miracles, our luggage somehow made it there hours before we did. So... If you have a choice, fly anything other than United, although if you are poor suckers like us, you will likely not have a choice. This is what I think of UNITED AIRLINES:
In addition to that excitement, we have been constantly engaged in the following activities: 1) Looking for an apartment. 2) Looking for Jobs. 3) Looking for a second car. I had things to say about each of these activities, but I haven't been able to sit down and write anything for a week so, I'm just going to super sum: Moved into old fourplex, now nicer setup, I have 2 jobs and so does Malu. And we bought a Dodge Stratus, that works well. There you are, that's what's up. PS. Saw the Avengers, it was sweet. PPS> Law School will be hard. Oh, in case I never mentioned it, I got into Law School. (BYU)