Thursday, July 29, 2010

Things and people the world would be better off without:

Soap Operas
Indiana Jones 4

Michael Moore

Black licorice
Somali pirates
Jar Jar Binks
Male purses AKA Satchels
Hugo Chavez

The UofU Mascot Swoop (because it's gay)

The View
Kenny Chesney

The Taliban
The Daredevil, Electra, Fantastic Four, and Second Punisher movies.

Skinny Jeans. Also, emo hipsters who wear cardigans and thick rimmed glasses and have delusions about how great their chosen music is.

Most Akon songs
Modern dance

Clash of the Titans

The Harry Potter movies
Everything Twilight: Books, Movies, Merchandise
Especially that ugly fo they got to be Edward in the movies- Robert Pattinson

More to come


ecelliam said...

You forgot to mention--
The right wing
Dick Chaney
Rush Linbough
sean Hannity
Sarah Palin
the tea Party
I could just go on but I will let you continue.

Shane said...

Really? you bag on swoop when Cosmo is the most homosexual feline on the planet? Epic fail... at least Swoop is now a PAC 12 MASCOT!!