Monday, August 16, 2010

Bald like me.

When I was 19, the first indication I ever had that I would one day be super bald was when my girl friend at the time gave me a super short hair cut and afterwords said, "I think your thinning out on top.". I scoffed at the time, sure that since my grandfather on my mother's side had always rocked a healthy head of hair, that I would as well. I was wrong. Apparently, the genes that I got from Big Steve, this guy:

were stronger than the others. Fortunately, I don't mind being bald. I never cared much about my hair when I had a lot of it, and I don't much miss it. There are times when I wouldn't mind, say, combing a wolverine style doo like I used to, but at least I don't have to comb it at all.

Baldness: not a problem. I've been told that my head handles the baldness well. That's good to hear.

So, who else is bald out there? Here's an incomplete list:
Jason Statham
Samuel L. Jackson
Michael Jordan
Michael Clark Duncan
Lex Luthor
Bruce Willis
Bulls Eye
Mr. Magoo
Yul Brenner
Vin Disel
King Pin
Dr. Evil
Patrick Stewart
Winston Churchill
Sean Connery
Billy Corgan
Steve Austin
Andre Augassi
Pac Man
Montel Williams
Kyle Gas
Paul Shaffer
Dragon Ball characters; Teeyen, Krillin, Piccolo, Freeza etc.
Michael Stipe
Damon Wayans
Charlie Brown
Turk from Scrubbs
All of the Ninja turtles
Mr. Clean
Jessie 'the body' Ventura
Stephen Covey
Ed Asner
And many more. Fill free to add those I don't remember.


politicchic6 said...

Here is an incomplete list of people who are not bald. Clint Eastwood. Check and Mate my friend.

smithfieldman said...

I think Demi Moore and Sigourney Weaver also rocked the bald look, so you're in good company.

The Rage said...

Sinead O'Connor and Brittney Spears also went what I like to call Crazy Bald. But I think you need to add Bruce Willis and one of my favorites - Billy Zane.