Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I should post, yet I got nothing.
So in light of that, I will just ramble pointlessly. Now, I know that many of you are asking yourselves, "And how does this differ from the normal post?". To which I say,"....good point". Anyway, I think I want to do print journalism as a major and then maybe slide into law. It behooves me to do this major because 50% of the course hours necessary are just random classes, the likes of which I have already taken. I have been squandering my time and scholarship money in riduculous classes and the multicultural office here at the good ol' BYU don't think to highly of that. So Brad, (if you ever read this), clear a spot for me in Vegas in like three years maybe. Or actually, Freakishly tall, clear a spot for me in K-can. :)

My job is ridiculous, I don't even try anymore.

I am going golfing tommorrow.

I went to the gym twice yesterday, in the morning to run and lift and at night to swim. I think that eventually, I would like to do a triathalon. That sounds like more fun to me than a marathon, but I should probably try one of those as well.

Here is something sad: Leroy Gibbons, the coolest old guy, died a few days ago. I went to go visit him yesterday and knew things were not going to go as planned when I saw his special big recliner in the hallway. I feel bad because I haven't been able to see him for about three weeks and a few weeks ago when I last went he was in another room and occupied. Just a little about Leroy, he was in the MoTab for several years and also a Prof here at BYU. He has grandsons that released a church music cd calles Gibbons something... Anywho, he was involved in the Young Ambassadors program and lots of other groups and fundraising committees (SP?). He knew a whole bunch of people (especially church authorities), and had traveled to a grundle of countries. All in all, Leroy was a good guy and the Parkinsons/Diabetes was just too much for the poor old guy. He once gave me a frosty when I visited him and we sang hymns together and he listened to me play guitar.

Only one more big assignment and the final in my bastardly political science class.

That is about all the rambling that I or you can stand right now, so until new time.


The Rage said...

If you hadn't told me you were rambling I would have never known. At least you can't mumble in a blog. How do you call people for work? I bet they think you are calling from some foreign country. Mumble, mumble, mumble. I'm sorry Leroy died, that's sad...

Joe said...

Print journalism (which sounds like something you just made up) and law, huh? I would think that history would help a person going into law a lot more than "print journalism"..... On a side note, did you get that thing I sent you? HA! HA!

smithfieldman said...

I know of another way you can go to K-can and it involves a short blonde chick.

Shane said...

print journalism... cuz they don't let bald people on tv?

politicchic6 said...

I know that you liked Leroy. I am a sad guy on your behalf.

Two times at the gym in one day...YES! You see my point? The gym is awesome.