Monday, April 28, 2008

The Facebook vice

First off, I had a really long and sweet pos a couple of days ago, then I lost it.
So casically:
I moved home
I work at Starvation State Park again
I hate the wind
And I like homecooked food.
Now about facebook. FAcebook is an interesting thing. I find that it is handy to have. I was against FB for some time, and would never have one today if Jacob had better things to do with his time. You see, Jabob decided to make up an E-mail address for me so that he could set me up with a profile. Then I had a bunch of friends quickly and he pretended to be me for a few. But now, I have taken it over, so it is all good. The face boock things you recievea re officially my own great thoughts. I am not sure if I have anything else worth mentioning. SO until next.


The Rage said...

Sell out

smithfieldman said...

Sell out is such a strong word, but it feels right in this case.