1)Pontiac Aztec
This is the car on Breaking Bad... I know. Good for it. Still hideous. I imagine the writers for that show sat down and asked each other, what is the ugliest, non-gangster car that we can get on the cheap for this low budget series? Someone timidly raised their hand and proffered.... "How about an Aztec?" They then were subject to much ridicule and people probably swore at them. But alas, when they looked at their budget, they had to go along.
2) Chevy SSR
Not much to say. The picture speaks louder than words. Fails as a truck. Fails as a car. Succeeds as an instant wrath generator.
3) Nissan Cube
Nice back windows... NOT! The wrap around was surely some designer's hope that a trend would emerge. That trend didn't catch on because it is stupid and ugly.
4) Toyota Prius
Many kinds of Prius, all of them ugly. If this is what it takes to save the environment, then maybe we should consider if the environment is worth saving...
5) Chrysler PT Cruiser
Eggplant on wheels? It would probably look better if that were the case. I like to think that it was this car that caused Chrysler to declare bankruptcy in 2009.
6) Mercedes (I think?) Smart Car
I admit, it would be a dream to park. However, so are bikes, and a bike would provide marginally better protection if you were to collide with another vehicle while using one.7) Subaru Outback
See the SSR's comment.
8) BMC Mini-Cooper
Featured prominently in "The Italian Job." Is that a plus? I don't know, but these are ugly.
9) Chevy Avalanche
10) Not a car, but rather what people do to their cars. This could be its own post, but the thing I hate most is a dropped pickup with skirting...
This hurts my soul.
And for your amusement:
No sooner had I completed this post when I drove across town and saw more ugly cars. This is actually a whole subset I'll call "tacky futuristic SUV's". Category includes: Nissan Murano, Dodge Nitro, and the Ford Edge. There are a whole bunch of others in this category (some already listed above), but it is past time to stop thinking.
Do you also hate yellow cars more than other colors?
Not that I hate yellow, I just wanted them all the same for a fair comparison. And I'm not alone in my dislike of PT Cuisers, it would appear: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/22k59y/pt_cruiser_owners_what_tragedy_burdened_you_with/
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