Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Look what I can do

I was recently playing around with Adobe Illustrator, and I decided to take a stab at vector graphic drawing. I suck at it, but after a few hours of persistence, I finally created these two drawings of my favorite superheros: Batman and Wolverine.

I know there are people out there with vastly more skill, and I invite those people to engage in similar projects and to share.

In other news, last night was my last at Heritage Schools- I'm done for now, and likely will not be going back. It would be possible one summer I suppose, but after the Law School track begins, it doesn't leave much room for such things. Two weeks left with Orem City. I was recently switched from weed abatement to parkways, which means now I mow and don't spray. It's even more of a slow pace city job than my other one was. Alas, only a few more days roasting in the sun and then I'll be free to enjoy only dealing with school. Hurray?

1 comment:

politicchic6 said...

I would stab at a vector drawing, but I don't like to take hours on things.