Sunday, May 22, 2011

Kindly point your rapture in the other direction

Well, It has now been the 22nd for two hours, and I haven't been swept up to heaven. Since I am pretty sure that I'm among the MOST RIGHTEOUS, we'll have to assume that the dude who said the rapture was going to happen was wrong again.

This is been declared the "Summer of Jason", and I am enjoying the relative lack of nothing to do. I spend my days reading, watching tv, eating junk food, or going to the gym. And working. But you know, just one job and no studies is no big deal.

Ans lastly, here is a nifty slide show found at the Royal Geography Society Website that you should check out. This makes me want to travel so much.


Businessman said...

love your share here. very inspiring post. :)


politicchic6 said...

That was an awesome slideshow.