Saturday, April 30, 2011

Time goes by.

It's April 30th, I look out the window, and I see... Snow?!?! C'mon!. It's supposed to be warm already. Why is it that Utah has to be so schizophrenic when it comes to weather? I needed to run 10 miles today, but it looks like I will have to wait till Monday. Why run at all you ask? Well, I kind of signed up to run a half marathon. I figured it would put me on my way to finishing a bucketlist item. But now, it snows. I hope it doesn't snow next week, that's the half marathon day.
I am done with school for now, and there is a void. I don't rightly know what to do with myself. I read a lot, and have watched a lot of Seinfeld. I wonder if this is what being unemployed is like somewhat. I am employed, but I don't feel like I'm doing anything if I am not pulling full a full course load with 2 jobs I guess. I cleaned the house though. Seems like I always do that when I have a life transition that involves downshifting. After my mission, I cleaned the heck out of my parents house for a while. If I had lived there more than a month, I may have even cleaned the attic and dusted all my legos... who knows? I have also watched some craptastic movies. Just for the record, GI JOE really sucks. It's like they found every class B actor that wasn't the awesome Bruce Campbell, and stuck them in there. REALLY.CRAPPY.ACTING. Plot, dialogue, everything was pretty bad. Ray Park was cool though, no speaking lines, as usual.
Stupid snow. I looked outside again and it snowed at least two inches. That means scraping off the ol' car. I think that I will move to Florida. Hurricanes are worse though. Maybe California? Nope, Earthquakes. Hmmm... Well. I'm open to suggestions. Let's here where I could find an ideal climate without some crazy natural disaster.

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