Sunday, December 5, 2010

Nobody seems to blog anymore... :(

No comments, no new posts. Last update: Months ago. This is the environment that I continue to launch (futilely?), new blog posts. Is it worth it? Lets hope so. By the time you (singular) read this, a week at least will likely have past. I haven't had a lot of time, but I will put forth my stuff anyway:
News for me: I will soon be on my own for a few weeks as Malu goes down south. This shouldn't be a big deal.

I got pseudo laid off form the web desk. I am not going to lie, this made me immensely happy. Apparently, they are cutting the number of web editors from 4 to 3 and they need someone who can work any night (presumably without it affecting their real/night job). I have been dreading more and more a semester as busy as the one I just went through but didn't know how to get out of my responsibility without quitting, which I didn't want to do for reference purposes. Thankfully, my problem was solved for me and I came out looking like a victim, which is ok by me :). Anywho, I should be able to go the gym now a bit and not be such a chunky monkey.

Politic Chick is about to pop- Pregnancy and all. Every now and again she will horrify me with a new fact that I didn't know about child bearing, and I get sick inside. It's creepy that this alien life form will soon be among us, but let's hope that it (he) pulls the features of both parents. But then again, isn't that always the hope?

I found an AWESOME song that I am digging. Mumford and Sons, where have you been? I actually heard this song on the radio (shocking I know), and made sure to remember the chorus so I could google them. Here is a clean version of a great tune, you can thank me later.

For my soon to be former job, here is something I have been up too:

A construction audio slide show. I didn't write the story, but I did all of the audio slide show except record the interviewee, I just included Amanda's name on the sideshow part because that's how I roll, I'm kind of gallant. (and humble.

BYU lost: This was a bummer, but I can't really feel bad for some reason. I guess it was just the nature of the game, hard played and entertaining. Even though we lost in the last second, it's something that has happened to Utah before as well as us. Just another chapter in a good rivalry. I do think that our team generally put performed, but I'm sure a certain someone would debate that. Meh, only thing that matters is who won, bad calls, could-have-beens, and all the rest fade into whatever it is that no one cares about. At least this year, no one 'hated' anyone publicly...

Ironically, during the time that I was working on my construction project, I got a ticket for speeding in a construction zone. Everyone hates getting tickets, so no need to dwell on that. Let's just say that Orem City is 200 dollars richer and I'm going to have to spend 3 hours next Saturday going to a certain type of 'school'.

I could go on, but since there's a good chance that nobody really reads this, why???


politicchic6 said...

I read this faithfully, but when I go to leave comments (if I am at work) sometimes it takes ten years and I don't have ten years.

Alan said...

I also read this pretty faithfully—or at the very least look at the pictures. But let's be honest those are few and far between.

ecelliam said...

Just to say that I have to be in the mood to write, and I get really serious on what ever subject i decide to go on.

Thank you for your post.