I wrote this for a class, but it is just soapbox enough to appeal to my dad, so here goes:
Obama’s Immigration Reform.
When a child hits another child, it doesn’t make sense to punish the aggressor. Unless of course, you live in the world of President Obama’s immigration reform.
In essence, Obama’s immigration reform policy consists of two parts: Punish companies who employ illegal immigrants, and provide a way for illegal immigrants to obtain citizenship. This was said by Obama on an ABC forum for the Democrat Primary in January 4, 2008.
A big question for everyone, but one the left must wake up to.
The biggest issue that many Americans have is this, “Why are we going to attack the foundational industries of our country while at the same time rewarding a large body of illegal immigrants whose very presence have damaged the economic security of the nation?” This question is equally distressing for people all across the political spectrum, particularly for those Latinos and Hispanics who previously supported President Obama and are now seeing potential places of employment turned against them by political witch hunting.
There is a superb example of this in the recent forces lay-off of 1,800 employees of the company American Apparel. Obama’s promise was to seek out and punish particularly those companies that abuse and exploit illegal immigrants, yet American Apparel is known for providing higher wages and even health benefits. In a column for the New York Times Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa called it “devastating
“A crackdown that forces 1,800 taxpaying would-be Americans into joblessness in a dismal economy is a law-enforcement victory only in the bitterest, narrowest sense’ “Villaraigosa said. “As a solution to the problem of unauthorized workers — 1,800 down, millions to go — it’s ludicrous.”
Oxmoronic Policies.
While defendants of the immigration actions may state that without potential jobs, there would be decreased incentive for illegal immigration and thus decreased numbers of illegal immigrants, they are living in a fantasy world. To state in one sentence that you plan to take someone’s job and in the next sentence promise citizenship and access to all of the social support programs that go with citizenship is stark insanity. Unless of course the desired end result is to have the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants transfer directly to poor, uneducated welfare recipients. It doesn’t take much stretch of imagination to see this being the case. How this is going to mitigate our country's already staggering problems with healthcare, unemployment and crime, is a mystery that only President Obama seems to understand.
Important system flaws to consider.
To emphasis the sheer inadequacy of the reform, Mitch Plowman, a man who works as a detailer for a Utah structural steel company has an interesting tale to relate.
Several months ago, the company for which he worked was raided by around 200 law enforcement personnel from various organizations such as ICE and the Sheriff’s Department.
“They rounded up all the migrant workers and were really unorganized and unprofessional,” Plowman said. “They even asked everyone who was an illegal worker to raise their hand.”
After removing 50 workers who were unable to produce papers at the time proving legal residence, the people who organized the raid released a gleaming statistic to the press that 50 illegal workers had been found at the company, seriously tarnishing the company’s public image.
But it gets more convoluted.
After reviewing the detained workers, it was found that all but five were legal to work. And the reform stumbled even further after this discovery.
“Instead of deporting the five like they were supposed too, they [the authorities] encouraged them to stay in the area and to get jobs so that they could testify against us… all because they had no case,” Plowman said. “The interesting thing is that the department that the state uses to check legality of workers is backed up about two years. We send off the paperwork, and then… nothing. And if we don’t hire them, then it becomes discrimination, so it’s a strange situation.”
So in response to the question on whether we should punish vital industry for our economy and reward those that broke the law with citizenship, the answer is that we shouldn’t. The truth is that this reform policy is fractured and can only provide one result: millions of class B citizens that are spoon fed liberal rhetoric and who must desperately cling to and support Democratic Party influence to survive.
Hey, in this light, President Obama’s plan is genius… but not for American interests.
*Note, while Obama has not proposed any official policy to date, this was the course he recommended in his campaign rhetoric. On another note, high five for the Nobel Prize... psyche.