Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I just ate beef stew.

Yep. It's true. And I really enjoyed it. Washed it down with a glass of grape juice from concentrate, and ate some bread. Life is just too busy these days. I feel like I can't be my normal happy go lucky, carefree self. I am glad that one of my jobs is about toast. Although I have been barely showing up there at all since I started school. The dance group is probably not going to see much of us either from here on out. One because we are so busy, another because they are not so cool.
17 credit hours. My most enjoyable class? Photojournalism. Time consuming? Newswriting. Most asinine class? Media Law. But that's mostly because the Professor is driving me bloody mad. She is annoying and entirely to clownish for my tastes. Plus I feel like I am a jury she is rambling to.
Bang. Too much fun. I think I am addicted to it. Last night I got some banging in and some super inappropriate comments. Asher was there, along with new guy Nick. And Michele and Alan and Malu of course. It was great, Asher even brought floats. For those of you who are unfamiliar with bang, it is a card game that is something like "Murder in the Dark" and the Old West. Good times.
Anywho, I need to get on with my duties, later.

PS. Click the above link to check out what I have been up to at the DU for the last 3 weeks.

1 comment:

smithfieldman said...

Ah, the arts beat, you should go for the police beat! How's the gay bar treating ya?