Wednesday, November 9, 2011

7 Guilty Pleasures

Life is been good.
The Peru trip is upon us, and that means that I'll soon be shifting back to the PERU BLOG
and lets face it, you would all prefer that anyway.
The night job will end in 12 more working days.... sweet. I like my job, but it messes up your life when you can't sleep when everyone else does.
Having to leave this apartment is a bummer. It was big, it was cheap, it was good times.
bla bla bla, on to the meat of the blog,

Guilty Pleasures

1) The Voice. This show has such important personalities as Christina Aguilera and Carson Daily. (That WAS sarcasm). But I couldn't help myself. Malu started watching it for some reason, and the first few episodes I found heavy on the gay personalities and was not really that impressed with some of the contestants. But somehow, I was drawn in. There was the seemingly necessary token person from Utah, there were some people I loved to hate, and the judges were funny and sniped each other. I found myself rooting for Javier Colon, a guy who sang an amazing version of Time After Time. (I have dubbed him, Javier, "El Angel" Colon).

2) Gangsta (you know I'm legit because I don't spell it 'gangster') music. (Or rap, or hip-hop, or whatever). I admit. I like it. I blame Shane R and Casey Harrison for corrupting me at a vulnerable and easily influenced period of my life ;). In any event, there it is.

3) Ceviche. It's raw fish, in lemon juice. Don't ask me why it's delicious, it just is. Now the real question is this: How did the Peruvians find a way to ruin the ever glorious potato by turning it into chuno, which is disgusting, but also manage to make something gross, like raw fish, palatable? It beats the heck outta me.

4) Techno. I really can't explain this, moving on.

5) Dragon Ball Z. This is like a really long, really repetitive, soap opera geared towards children and with all of the protagonists having ridiculous hair. All the same, I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Vegeeta. And Piccolo. It may have taken several episodes for anything to happen, but as a 13 year old, I had plenty of free time weekday afternoons in the bustling metropolis of Fruitland, so I didn't mind.

6) Kittens. honestly, they are sooooo cute. I can't deny that I am basically unable to resist petting them and using a cute voice with little cats.

7) The Vagrant. This movie is pretty bad. Just ask The Rage and Politicchic. It is an early 90's movie. It is something along the vein of The Burbs or Beetlejuice, except arguable worse than either of those classics. I forced my group of peeps to watch it this Halloween and it was not too well received. I like it anyway.

Well, there you have it, some guilty pleasures. I have more, and will likely share them at some point. I think that you should post a few of your own guilty pleasures in the comments. (Those 2 of you who read this).

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I prefer to think of myself as a book terrorist...

If you know Michele, you probably get her update. If you get her update or follow her facebook status, you will know that I have been accused of engaging in Halloween mischief in leaving random books around her house. If you know either of us, you will easily believe this is something I would do. And yes, it is true. However, I am not a fan of her new term, the "book fairy". I would like to think of myself as a book terrorist, or even a book freedom fighter. It was a fun joke, but I can't lie to Michele very well (as she pointed out) so I merely had to be asked by her to be caught. In any event, the prank was supposed to be much better, but I misheard when they were going to church, and so instead of finding an empty house at 10 am Sunday morning, imagine my chagrin at finding Alan and little fatty awake and alert. It wasn't a total loss, however, because Alan likes mischief also and so we were able to give Michele a few moments of confusion for my trouble. For those of you who don't get Michele's update, this is what she had to say about her suspicions:

The Book Fairy
Yesterday the most interesting thing happened. I had my quarterly stewardship interview with the Bishop and when I got home, I noticed there were random books on the bookshelves that weren't there previously. These books were as auspicious as a Ted Kennedy biography and some crazy African American books (black lit, if you don't want to be pc about it), and upstairs new books (one of them a spiritual diet manual... a hint?) of a similar caliber. Immediately, I demanded to know how these books appeared. Alan wouldn't budge, but his twinkling eyes revealed that he knows more than he is letting on, though he claims he isn't responsible. I often state that with my interest in true crime and mystery novels, I could have been a detective... so Alan challenged me to solve the case of the Book Fairy. Unfortunately, my only witness has a limited vocabulary. I can't wait till Squirmy can talk and tell on his dad! But here is what I have so far. Jason and Malu... with Alan's help. Jason is the obvious choice because he has motive (the constant desire for pure mischief), means (I'm actually not sure about this, but judging from the titles, these must have been books that Border's decided to give away because they couldn't sell them at 90 % off), and opportunity (Alan took Jason and Malu home one evening from an outing and there could have been a book hand off, very easily). If it WASN'T Jason and Malu... I have a few other options, but I will be seeing Jason this evening, and he is a horrible liar, so it will be quite easy to tell if he is the Book Fairy.

Anywho, Halloween was a good time this year. Malu and I accompanied Alan to his work party at Adobe, which ended up being a really long haunted house type affair where there were really nifty sections that depicted things like Harry Potter and Narnia. It was cool. The line to get in was long, but while in line I got to touch two seperate boas and hold a big tarantula and a huge emperor scorpion, plus I got two eat two large things of cotton candy, so I can't complain. We also went to the Mesa Vista Halloween party, and it was good times. We took 70 Frankenstein cupcakes that Malu got from work, and made a huge mess, but it was fun nonetheless.
And finally, I convinced Rage, Michele and company to watch "The Vagrant", a quirky comedy horror from the late 80's that was GREAT. They all hated it, but oh well, I got a kick out of it.
Malu and I dressed up as a Vampire and his victim, a maid. I thought it was pretty good for a total of 30 bucks for both of us. Too bad my teeth are too little for my fangs to stick to:(.