I realize it’s been a long time since I’ve posted. About a month actually. But hey, I felt like I needed a blog vacation. That’s right, I figured that I blogged up a storm in Peru, so I took time off.
High points of my time back: I’m back at Heritage making sure the at-risk youth of tomorrow are safe. Malu and I purchased a car. It’s a golden Kia Rio, which averages 30 miles to a gallon whom we named C-3PO. And we’re back in the dance group. That’s it.
I have recently been inspired by my friend Gluch to make a bucket list. His is pretty long. I’m going to see how far I get, and be warned, a few of these I made a while ago and have accomplished. So no worries.
1) Dance in the Candelaria and master at least one Peruvian folk dance.
2) Go to Spain (or whichever country) and get involved in the out-of-control tomato fight.
3) Actually get in shape enough to see some stomach muscles (six-pack action).
4) Walk the Incan Trail and
see Machu Picchu.
5) Jump out of a plane and parachute.
6) Drive a 69 Corvette Stingray really fast (and own one if possible).
7) Ride in a helicopter.
8) Visit Hawaii, and drink Hawaiian Punch on the beach there.
9) Paint a large Star Wars Mural.
10) Film a funny video with at least 10 friends.
11) Photograph a cougar in the wild.
12) Visit the African Savanna.
13) Visit all 7 Continents (or five if you are from S. America… BAZING)
14) Learn how to break dance.
15) Have a child (or 4 if everything goes as I wish).
Serve a LDS mission.
17) Meet a famous person and act indifferent.
18) Walk on the Great Wall of China.
19) Learn another foreign language (Japanese?).
20) Participate in a Marathon or, if I become suicidal, an Ironman Triathlon.
21) Shoot a fully automatic weapon (AK-47 or M16 would do … or perhaps an Uzi).
22) Learn and master all of my mother’s Latin songs.
23) Attend a major Star Wars convention; with a complete and cool costume (I’m thinking Darth Maul because of the whole bald thing).
24) Perform in a musical (already done this, but I’m thinking in an actual theater company).
25) Drive across the USA.
26) Start a **NICE** living center for high functioning mentally handicapped folks where they could have minimal on site management and could lead a decently independent lifestyle.
27) Write and record an album of guitar songs with at least 10 tracks.
28) Learn a cool trick on a snowboard (some kind of 360 or flip at least).
29) Attend a MASSIVE rave (with minimum homosexuals … and therein lies the challenge I suppose. That is to say, not a rave SPECIFICALLY for gay rights)
30) Take a strobe picture of a bullet going through a pop can filled with water.
31) Own a really nice custom made round table with a Risk board inlaid in different colored stone on the top. With this awesome board, I wand to take time lapse overhead pictures of a long and brutal six player game, then to be strung together with music to show.
32) Learn how to custom paint ‘hovering flames’.
33) One day restore to glory the purple Ford Power Stroke (preferably the same one that is now dead).
34) Visit Iguazu falls.
35) Check out the Grand Canyon.
36) Go backpacking/camping in Souther Utah.
37) Visit Madagascar.
38) Buy a Samoyed or Japanese Akita puppy and teach it to be awesome.
39) Write a book and get it published.
40) Get 20/20 vision without contacts or glasses.
41) Relearn how to do a gainer on a diving board.
42) Learn the basics of various types of martial arts: Shotokan Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Brazilian Capaiera, Judo, Thai boxing.
43) Own a nice pool table and have a house large and nice enough to make it feel welcome.
44) Shoot 70 or under in 18 rounds of golf.
45) Golf on St. Andrews in Scotland.
46) Get good at soccer.
47) Visit the Philippines.
48) Visit Rome.
49) Run across Starvation bridge naked (strange I know, but many a friend and corruptor has done it and the reports are that it's a blast).
50) ....
I got nothing for 50. It'll come to me.
Until next.
PS> Here is a link to Gluch's Bucket list: